Monday, December 20, 2010

New Improved Version--What Do You Think?

We listed to you, thought about what you said, and sent our poor programmer back to the drawing board.

After pulling out a lot of code and most of his hair, our programmer is happy to announce that he has a new version of PerfectNotes ready for you to try out.

We're very excited about this version, and want to know what you think of it as well.

As per your requests, the user interface is much simpler. We've removed the timeline that went across the top and opted for a more "indexed" layout. On the left is your recording that now shows what you typed at the time you made your notes.

On the right are your notes in a typical word processor style format. Audio and word processing buttons are across the top. We think this layout is much easier to figure out how to use, and more importantly, easier to use under pressure.

So let us know what you think. You can try out the new version here.

And again, thank you to all of our dedicated users for their feedback.

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